- VS Sensorik传感器
品牌:德国VS Sensorik传感器 型号:德国VS SENSOR传感器 加工定制:否 结构类型:放大器分离型 检测方式:漫反射式 电源电压:110 V 输出方式:1 使用环境温度:100 ℃ 用途:工业
上海含灵机械设备有限公司*代理德国VS Sensorik传感器, VS Sensorik编码器,VS Sensorik接近开关,VS Sensorik脉冲传感器
, 传真: 邮箱:
网址:www.shhylink.com QQ : 283190163 909955817
VS Sensorik传感器型号 ,VS Sensorik编码器部分型号
Model Signal type Description Series RGM2G overview of magnetic gear wheel encoders series RGM2G
ordering descriptionRGM2G-FAQ's answers to frequently asked questions about magnetic gear wheel encoders
series RGM2G
RGM2G-A analog, 1Vpp
magnetic gear wheel encoders for measurement gears with M= 0.3 or 0.5
standard executionRGM2S-A analog, 1Vpp
magnetic gear wheel encoders for measurement gears with M= 0.3 or 0.5
compatible with Siemens SIZAG encoders
SGM2G-A analog, 1Vpp
magnetic gear wheel encoders for measurement gears with M= 0.3 or 0.5
compatible with Siemens SIMAG encodersRGM2G-A.../DM analog, 1Vpp
magnetic gear wheel encoders for measurement gears with M= 0.3 or 0.5
with external box for a 17-pin connector and T-cable
(data sheet: english version on request)
RGK2G-A analog, 1Vpp
magnetic gear wheel encoders for measurement gears with M= 0.3 or 0.5
with trim potentiometers, replacement of encoders series RGK2M
RGK2G-A...X analog, 1Vpp
magnetic gear wheel encoders for measurement gears with M= 0.3 or 0.5
with I2C interface, replacement of encoders series RGK2M
RGK2H-A-M1 analog, 1Vpp
magnetic gear wheel encoders for measurement gears with M= 1.0
alternatively with with I2C-interface, replacement of encoders series RGK2MRGK2H-D-M1 digital
magnetic gear wheel encoders for measurement gears with M= 1.0
pulse multiplication, interpolation factor IF selectable
data sheet on request
ROM2G analog, 1Vpp
magnetic gear wheel encoders for measurement gears with M= 0.5
cylindrical housing with 17-pin connector, with I2C interfaceRGM2G-D digital
magnetic gear wheel encoders for measurement gears with M= 0.3 or 0.5
pulse multiplication, interpolation factor IF selectable
KWG2D digital
magnetic gear wheel encoders for measurement gears with M= 0.3 or 0.5 or 0.75
pulse multiplication, interpolation factor IF selectable
KWG2H digital
magnetic gear wheel encoders for measurement gears with M= 0.3 or 0.5 or 0.75
pulse multiplication, interpolation factor IF selectable
KHG2D digital
TTL oder HTL
magnetic gear wheel encoders for meas. gears with M equal or greater than 1.25
pulse multiplication, interpolation factor IF selectableGear wheels
ZR3-180/40 Mesurement gear wheel: module M= 0.3 and number of theeth N= 180
Ref.-marks implemented as "tooth" - robust dsign for high speed applications
ZR3-256/DiW Mesurement gear wheel: module M= 0.3 and number of theeth N= 256
Ref.-marks implemented as "tooth" - robust dsign for high speed applications
ZR3-256/Di Mesurement gear wheel: module M= 0.3 and number of theeth N= 256
Ref.-marks implemented as "tooth" - robust dsign for high speed applications
ZR5-64/Di Mesurement gear wheel: module M= 0.5 and number of theeth N= 64
Ref.-marks implemented as "tooth" - robust dsign for high speed applications
ZR5-128/DiW Mesurement gear wheel: module M= 0.5 and number of theeth N= 128
Ref.-marks implemented as "tooth" - robust dsign for high speed applications
ZR5-160/DiW Mesurement gear wheel: module M= 0.5 and number of theeth N= 160
Ref.-marks implemented as "tooth" - robust dsign for high speed applications
ZR5-200/DiW Mesurement gear wheel: module M= 0.5 and number of theeth N= 200
Ref.-marks implemented as "tooth" - robust dsign for high speed applications
ZR5-256/Di Mesurement gear wheel: module M= 0.5 and number of theeth N= 256
Ref.-marks implemented as "tooth" - robust dsign for high speed applications
ZR32-256/Di Mesurement gear wheel: module M= 0.32 and number of theeth N= 256
Ref.-marks implemented as "tooth" - robust dsign for high speed applications
ZRE32-256/Di Mesurement gear wheel: module M= 0.32 and number of theeth N= 256
Ref.-marks implemented as "tooth" - robust dsign for high speed applications
ZR32-400/Di Mesurement gear wheel: module M= 0.32 and number of theeth N= 400
Ref.-marks implemented as "tooth" - robust dsign for high speed applications
ZR32-480/Di Mesurement gear wheel: module M= 0.32 and number of theeth N= 480
Ref.-marks implemented as "tooth" - robust dsign for high speed applications
如需VS Sensorik传感器资料, 欢迎来电索要!
我们需要的仅仅是品牌和型号竭诚为您服务●传感器、接近开关、编码器、PLC、光栅尺、读数头●控制模块、继电器、总线模块、电极、电容●隔离放大器、变送器、逆变器、变频器、总线模块、电极、电容●流量开关、流量计、液位计、伺服阀、泵阀、滤芯、密封圈、过滤器●电机、传动轴、轴承、夹具、轴套、接头、刹车片●绝缘检测仪、远程报警器、水质分析表,数据采集器、温控仪品牌 型号 描述aalborg GFMS-013007 Gas: N2 Flow Range: 0~150 L/min 24vdc 流量计Ahlborn Mess- und Regelungstechnik GmbH MR7806 红外变送器AirCom R03-04D 调压阀ALLEN BRADLEY 440R-N23120 Rockwell 自动控制器Anton Paar Germany GmbH 13881 减压膜Anton Paar Germany GmbH 6922 减压阀Anton Paar Germany GmbH 12745 绞盘ATOS DKE-1718DC24V 电磁阀Autz + Herrmann GmbH 10850 P01620_400 驱动装置Azzurri Technology GmbH 04M036-00 +08AD01-01 变送器Azzurri Technology GmbH 04M062-01 变送器B&R Industrie-Elektronik GmbH 8AC122.60-2 模块Balluff GmbH BTL6-A110-M0500-A1-S115 传感器Balluff GmbH BES 08,0-KB-1 传感器Balluff GmbH BES 516-324-G-S49-C 传感器Balluff GmbH BES 516-356-E5-C-S 4 传感器Balluff GmbH BNS 819-100-R-10 传感器Balluff GmbH BES M08MG1-PSC60F-S49G 传感器Balluff GmbH BOS 26K-PA-1HC-S 4-C 传感器Balluff GmbH BES 516-324-S49-C 传感器Balluff GmbH BLS 18M-XX-1P-E5-L-S 4 接近开关Balluff GmbH BES Q40KFU-PAC20A-S04G 接近开关Balluff GmbH BLE 18M-PS-1P-E5-C-S 4 接近开关BAUMER HUEBNER GMBH Z141.007 接头BAUMUELLER ABM DSG 56-L 流量控制装置BAUMUELLER ABM DSG 56-S 流量控制装置BAUMUELLER BM0-CAN-03-00-00,Nr:304023370 变送器附件Beck GmbH 901.91111L2 压力变送器常见型号:Beck GmbH 930.83.222511 微压差开关Beck GmbH 16334-0011 压力测试装置Beck GmbH 6329 压力测试装置Beck GmbH 20-31543 压力测试装置Beckhoff Automation GmbH BK5200 总线模块Beckhoff Automation GmbH KL9010 总线模块Beckhoff Automation GmbH BK3120 总线模块Bernstein AG NR 6087387019 自动控制器BICKER ELEKTRONIK GmbH BEP-510C 存储模块BIKON-Technik GmbH 8000-035-047 轴套Braun GmbH A5S07B50 速度传感器Brinkmann Pumps K. H. Brinkmann GmbH & Co. KG STA 303/650+001 潜水泵BROOKS GmbH & Co. KG 5853S/BG 流量计BTR NETCOM GmbH EUW-C18 控制器Bucher DDRRZ-7030-3-2 24V DC 电磁阀Buehler NT 63-KN-MS-M3 /370 液位开关Burster Praezisionsmesstechnik GmbH & Co KG 2392-V001 变送器Burster Praezisionsmesstechnik GmbH & Co KG 2316-V0000 变送器Burster Praezisionsmesstechnik GmbH & Co KG 8712-50 编码器Burster Praezisionsmesstechnik GmbH & Co KG 8523-50 雨刮测试仪Dittmer IDNR79987615 sr0804-4996 探头ebro Electronic GmbH EBI-2I-420 流量计EC Motion SECM244-F1.1A 电机ElectronXx Protrenic 500 V62615-1111113 控制器Elobau 114262-3 变送器Elobau 30427502 变送器Elobau 462144E 1 变送器EMS HF-CNTL-232-02 模块esd electronic system design gmbh CAN-PCI/200-1 通信卡Eurotec EVE2S03-129-IA-3D 压力传感器Fibro 2052. 夹具Fraba OCD-DPC1B-1212-C100-H3P 编码器常见型号:Honsberg HD1K-015GM020 流量计Honsberg HD1KV-020GM025 流量计Honsberg HD1K-020GM030-248 流量计Honsberg MR-020GM010 流量开关Honsberg VDO-040GR100 流量传感器Honsberg HR1MV-050GM150 流量开关hydac HDA3844-A-100-000+ZBE03 压力变送器hydac HDA3844-A-250-000+ZBE03 压力变送器hydac EDS3448-5-0250-000 编码器hydac EDS344-3-250-000 编码器hydac EDS3446-3-0100-000 编码器hydac ZBE02 附件hydac ZBM300 附件hydac EDS 1791-N-250-000 压力继电器hydac 0160 MG 010P 德国原装滤芯hydac 0160 D 003V 德国原装滤芯hydac 1253102 0660 D 003 BH4HC 德国原装滤芯hydac 0660 D 005 BN4HC 德国原装滤芯hydac 0250 DN 006 BH4HC 滤芯hydac 0110 D 010 BH4HC 滤芯hydac ETS1701-100-000 温度开关hydac ZBM20 附件hydac ETS 388-5-150-000 温度开关hydac S.S 附件hydac EDS 348-5-400-000 压力开关hydac TFP100 附件hydac EDS 348-5-250-000 压力开关hydac ENS 3216-3-730-000-K 压力开关hydac ENS 3216-2-0730-000-K 压力开关hydac EDS 3448-5-0250-000 压力开关hydac ZBM3000 附件hydac 1300R010BN4HC 滤芯hydac 0500D010BN4HC 滤芯hydac HDA 3845-A-600-000 压力变送器hydac FLKS-170S/2.0/W/TP/400-50/1/0 过滤器Kalinsky HMG1 0-200mbar 压力测试单元KLASCHKA GMBH. & CO.KG HAD-12er55b2,4-5NK2 2m 流量计Knick 2402 OXY 水质分析表Knick 2211 X PH 水质分析表Knick SE656X 电极Knick WG21 A7 电源Knick P41000 D1-nnnn 隔离放大器Knick P41068D1 隔离放大器KOBOLD Messring GmbH OVZ043G2NL343 流量计KOCH BWD250072K01LIP65 电阻KOCH BWD600072K01LIP65 电阻KOCH BWD600220K03LIP65 电阻常见型号:KRACHT GmbH DICHTSATZ KF 3 ...55/153-RECHTS 密封圈Kral AG NEG10(pump for DS1/500.11) 燃油泵KSR Kuebler ARV 1,5 - VUU - L 350/12 - V44A 液位计KULLEN GmbH & Co. KG 38600001 密封Laserline GmbH 102284 过滤器Laserline GmbH 106121 过滤器lika AST680/GY-10/S431 编码器MAGTRON MBE100 磁力铣机Mahle PI8408 DRG60 768.101.6 液位测量装置Mahle PI 2215 PS VST3 德国原装滤芯Mankenberg GmbH DM510K No. 6501069I-2 减压阀(弹簧罩朝上安装)Mayser GmbH & Co. KG 3009556 SL/BK 1705mm 自动控制器MOOG GmbH D664-4003 L05HABF6NSM2-0 伺服阀Murrelektronik GmbH 7000-31221-0000000 接头Murrelektronik GmbH No.85929 电源ODU Steckverbindungssysteme GmbH & Co. KG 170 545 700 201 000 插孔ODU Steckverbindungssysteme GmbH & Co. KG 611 124 105 923 000 模块ODU Steckverbindungssysteme GmbH & Co. KG 080 000 014 000 000 八点压接工具OTT-JAKOB 95.601.048.9.2 工件夹具parker CE032C01S12N 液压阀parker C32F35S149917N 液压阀parker D91FBB32HC4VG00 比例阀parker 40CN210QEBE2KS164 过滤器parker CRH3V 单向阀parker 30PD110QBE2KS161 过滤器parker VSA315A0623 比例阀parker D31VW004C4NJW 比例阀parker D101VW009C1NYCF3A 比例阀parker FM2DDDSV55 比例阀parker D1VW020BNJW 比例阀parker D1VW004CNJG56 比例阀parker D3W001CNJW 比例阀parker D3W4CNJW32XB990 比例阀parker D81VW082C1NJWG1R82XB990 比例阀parker D1VW004CNJWG82XB990 比例阀parker D1VW004CNJW 比例阀PMA KS800-DP 9407-480-30001 温度控制器PrehKeyTec 71430-030/0800 插头Proxitron IKH 035.05G Art.-No.2334B 接近开关Proxitron IKL015.05GH Nr:2377C-5 接近开关Proxitron IKL015.33GH Nr:2319D-20 接近开关RF Valves Oy BE 80 M16 – 213W(L) 管夹阀RF Valves Oy SBR 80 – 16 – 3 阀芯Rheinwerkzeug KG LIDA 17C 313 110-A5 编码器SAMSON AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK Type 4U(var-ID:1084356+1010616+1180-8089) 减压阀SAMSON AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK Type 41-23(var-ID:1070669+1003088+1059489) 减压阀SAMSON AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK Type 41-73(var-ID:1327202+1003089+1059489) 减压阀常见型号:SAMSON AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK Type 41-23(var-ID:1070675+1003087+1059489) 减压阀SAMSON AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK Type 4 (var-ID:1084363+1010414+1180-8089) 减压阀SAMSON AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK Type 41-73(var-ID:1327339+1003089+1059489) 减压阀SAMSON AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK Type 41-73(var-ID:1322665+1003089+1059489) 减压阀SAMSON AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK Type 41-23(var-ID:1070678+1003087+1059489) 减压阀SAMSON AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK Type 41-23(var-ID:1082897+1676227+1059489) 减压阀SAMSON AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK Type 41-23(var-ID:1113582+1003088+1059489) 减压阀SAMSON AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK Type 41-73(var-ID:1070072+1003089+1059489) 减压阀SAMSON AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK Type 4U(var-ID:1084364+1010616+1180-8089) 减压阀SAMSON AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK Type 41-23(var-ID:1491337+1003088+1059489) 减压阀Sass KG A-513-150-0303-150-405 传动轴Sass KG A-500-150-0303-150-3290 传动轴Schmersal Holding KG G150-100M44/44Y-2281-8/1368-3 Nr. 101187274 开关装置Schubert & Salzer GmbH 8021/100VG0003M----A-ZP-S--D 4060997 调节阀SIKO MB2000,50m 磁尺SIKO MSK2000 4-A-E1-1.0-PP-0.25 24 磁性读数头STOZ Pumpenfabrik GmbH KSW - 1 - 35/120 Nr.: ZB 2275 柱塞泵STOZ Pumpenfabrik GmbH KSW-1-30/120 Nr.:ZB 2555 柱塞泵STOZ Pumpenfabrik GmbH Artikel-Nr.D3760/30x50x10BAU,Radialwellendichtringe 轴封STROMAG 181-00505 Quick-switching unit DSZ1508.1 编码器SWAC Gmbh MC2 275-O-40A0 模块SWAC Gmbh MC2 930-H-10B0 模块tapeswitch TS16S/1000/13 控制模块Tippkemper-Matrix GmbH OT-SK-M18 保護鏡Tippkemper-Matrix GmbH IRS-U-2A 20-28VDC 50MA 光电开关Turck BL20-P4T-SBBC Nr:6827038 变送器附件Turck VBBS8141-O 变送器附件Turck NI35U-CK40-AP6X2-H1141 Nr:1625800 变送器附件Turck BS4141-0/13.5 Nr:6914510 变送器附件Turck BS4151-0/13.5 Nr:6904716 变送器附件Turck BL20-S4T-SBBS Nr:6827046 变送器附件Turck RSM57-TR2 Nr:6602011 变送器附件Turck BL20-GW-DNET Nr:6827005 变送器Turck FDNP-XSG16-TT Nr:6603323 变送器Turck BL20-4DO-24VDC-0.5A-P Nr:6827023 变送器附件Turck FDNL-S1600-T Nr:6603316 变送器Turck B8141-0 Nr:69049 变送器附件Turck B4151-0/13.5 Nr:6904715 变送器附件Turck B4141-0/13.5 Nr:6914509 变送器附件Turck IM12-22Ex-R Nr:7541233 变送器Turck BS20-S4T-SBCS 变送器附件Turck BL20-4DI-24VDC-P Nr:6827012 变送器附件Turck NI40-CP80-VP4X2 Nr:15695 接近开关Turck IM31-12EX-I Nr:7506321 隔离放大器Turck IM1-12EX-R Nr:7541226 隔离放大器Turck MK96-11-R/24VDC Nr:7525000 流量传感器Turck FCS-GL1/2A4-NA-H1141/D500 Nr:6870425 流量传感器常见型号:Turck NI10-G18SK-VN4X Nr:1572004 接近传感器Turck MS91-12-R Nr:5220110 光栅Turck Ni20U-EM30-AP6X-H1141 Nr:1646340 接近开关Turck RUN20-M18KS-AP8X-H1141,20-30V Nr:1830038 接近开关Turck NI40U-CK40-AP6X2-H1141,10-30V Nr:1623641 接近开关Turck BI10-M30-AP6X/S120,10-30V Nr:4617010 接近开关Turck NI50-K90SR-Y1,8.2V Nr:10074 接近开关Turck Ni75U-CP80-FDZ30X2 Nr:4280900 传感器Turck BI5-G18SK-Y1X,8.2V Nr:40160 接近开关Turck BI5-P18SK-Y1X,8.2V Nr:40360 接近开关Turck BIM-UNR-AP6X-0,3-PSG3S,10-30V Nr:4685831 接近开关Turck NI14-G18-Y1X,8.2V Nr:4015401 接近开关Turck BI2-G12-AZ33X-B3131 Nr:1304032 传感器Turck NI15-M30-AP6X/S120,10-30V Nr:4617210 接近开关Turck NI15-S30-AZ3X/S97 Nr:1375803 传感器Turck SKP3-2/S90 Nr:8007332 模块Turck NI100U-K90SR-VN4X2 Nr:1515503 传感器Turck NI8-S18-AZ3X/S97 Nr:1371803 传感器Turck NI4-Q12-AZ31X Nr:13102 传感器Turck RSM-RKM50-0.5M Nr:6914977 带接头电缆Turck PS010V-304-LI2UPN8X-H1141 Nr:6833442 压力传感器Turck BMSWS8151-8,5 Nr:6904722 接头Turck BS4151-0/9 Nr:6904718 接头Turck RKSW451-1,5M Nr:6915610 带接头电缆Turck BL20-2AO-I(4...20MA) Nr:6827034 模块Turck RKM52-4M Nr:6604714 带接头电缆Turck BL20-2AI-I(0/4...20MA) Nr:6827021 模块Turck FXDP-IM16-0001 Nr:6825401 模块Turck PS250R-304-LI2UPN8X-H1141 Nr:6833447 压力传感器Turck SDPL-0404D-1003 Nr:6824450 模块Turck PS400R-304-LI2UPN8X-H1141 Nr:6833448 压力传感器Turck BL20-E-GW-DP Nr:6827250 模块Turck NI30-K40SR-VN4X2 Nr:15758 感应传感器Turck NI12U-EG18SK-VN4X Nr:1581901 感应传感器Turck NI8-S18-AZ3X/S100 220VAC Nr:13718 感应传感器